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All the products in the KBS SYSTEM™ are full-scale tested . With these extensive and expansive tests we have litarally burned up approx. $ 15.000.000 during the last 25 years product developments. All these reports gives us a quite unique experience in the field and that offers you considerable added value for you as our customer.

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In the picture is a fire sealed test specimen (in this case
KBS SEALBAG™ and electric cables) lifted to the top of the test furnace. To simulate a real floor/roof installation.  

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Here is is the test running in full steam and the test specimen is subjected to standard heat and pressure conditions according ISO 834 (approx. 1050°C). The watch shows that it only remains approx. one minute of the test period with a duration of total 4 hours (240 min.)   

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When the determined test period is over is the test specimen lifted of the test furnace and you can see  the heated side as well as the cold side. The exposed face is very warm.

The funcional criteria of fire resistance comprise requirements for insulation and integrity for fires sealing products. The maximum temperature at any point of the unexposed face of the test specimen shall not exceed the initial temperature by more than 180ºC (324ºF) at the end of the test time.

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A succesful fire test like this is a qualification which make it possible for the KBS Products to be installed in hospitals, schools,  hotells, industries all around the globe.

It also make it possible for the owners to receive adequate fire protection documentations for their buildings.




Technical Information
Installation and Assembly
Differency between expanding and intumenscent
A 4 hour fire test
Workplace Fire Safety

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+46 10 20 40 115

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Nääs Fabriker - Tollered

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