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KBS MORTAR is a penetration seal for through-penetration fire stops. KBS MORTAR is a dry mortar mix with controlled swelling effect to provide a non-shrinking, homogeneous and smoke gas-tight seal for cables and utility penetrations in walls and floors. KBS MORTAR expands while it sets (up to 3%), ensuring a tight and crack-free seal. KBS MORTAR does not run or sag, allowing easy build-up of material a wall opening hence usually a shuttering is necessary on one side only. The low compressive strength of KBS MORTAR allows an easy retrofitting of cables and other utilities. The extraordinary yield of KBS MORTAR leads to high economic effeciency of such penetration seals. 1 kg KBS MORTAR mixed with water yiels to approx. 1.5 l volume. KBS MORTAR has been tested to international standards and carries ratings from 60 to 240 minutes.

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- Modern
- Innovative
-Expands when drying
- Fills gaps effectively
-Less rework required
-Save time
-Appreciated malleability
-Easier completion afterwards
-Larger sealing volume per kg
-EU classified according to EN 13501-2
-UL Approved

Technical Data Sheet


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+46 10 20 40 115



© Copyright KBS BRANDSKYDD AB +46 10 20 40 115
Nääs Fabriker - Tollered

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This original Trademark Seal symbolizes over 50 years of unbroken experience and knowledge within passive fire protection. It all started with Nasas Apollo program in the 60´s. Don´t hesitate to put this Seal on your installations as well.

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KBS BRANDSKYDD AB +46 102040115